Dale is Operations Manager Australia and is responsible for the Sydney plant and scheduling, planning and purchasing for both facilities.
After studying Engineering at the University of Sydney Dale joined J. Robins, manufacturers of some of Australia’s leading footwear brands as a Work Study Engineer and stayed there for 30 years. As the Manufacturing Manager and a “Time and motion” and systems specialist Dale developed the first Cut to Box footwear manufacturing line in the world later transforming that into a bespoke footwear line with a batch size of one. He has continued to apply Lean manufacturing methodologies throughout his career closely studying the teaching of manufacturing gurus.
Dale has worked in manufacturing management with a focus on efficient systems and performance measurement for 35 years and can be relied upon to find an economic solution to your manufacturing needs. Dale returned to university part time in 2005 to study robotics and automation. Now the Operations Manager Dale leads the team of engineers and technicians at W&S Plastics in providing automated, cost effective, quality controlled processes to our customers.
Realising that our people are all different and are our greatest asset, Dale moulds our staff into an effective team recognising and exploiting each individual’s strengths to the benefit of the whole.
Heavily involved in the design and project management of the Johor manufacturing facility, Dale helped to bring the concept to reality and has championed the “two factories one system” approach we have taken to ensure consistency between our two plants.
Dale is also committed to helping disadvantaged young people find their way in today’s fast paced culture and contributes most of his spare time to this work.